Friday, May 27, 2011

The Rejected Stone

- "I've been looking for this Stone for years... Why did you keep rejecting it???"

           - "It was too hard to fit into my plans..."

 - "That's what I thought at first sight too, but after consulting with the Master Builder... He gave me a detailed list of things to do, in order, to perfectly incorporate it..."

          - "You know I've never thought about consulting anyone; regarding the specific process that would enable me to fit that stone into my building... I had a felling: that it was exactly the stone I needed, but because I didn't know how to incorporate it... I consciously ignored it.  I wonder if they have any more..."

 - "As a matter of fact, the Master Builder said all you have to do is ask, and He'll make one for anyone who asks for it... He said "Even though the stone looks rare, in reality it's the most common and available stone with the strength to support any, and every, thing...  He said, 'He literally has enough for every man, woman, boy and girl on the ENTIRE earth...'"

         - "That's Great!!!  Now I can finally support my, old, shaky structure, with this, Solid Rock!"

- "You know what's hard for me to understand...  The Master Builder said that people are constantly passing by that stone, simply because they've heard other people say 'It doesn't fit, or it's to hard too work with...'  It baffles me when I wonder: 'Why not simply, try 'it' for themselves, instead of solely relying upon the past experience(s) of someone else.'  

The Master Builder, clearly, said; "He was ready to help them too, but they simply never asked... They just walked on by..."

          - "Well I'm surely glad that you brought it to my attention... I think I'll, finally, get one too...  Wait I'm gonna get two, I want to give one to my brother, I'll also give him the direct contact info for the Master Builder, that way he can get specific instruction on how to incorporate The Stone into his structure!

- (As he loads the stone into his truck...) 

- Would you ever have imagined that a stone this solid, and firm,  would be as light as it is...  I can tell already that this will be easy to work with!!!

"God has Blessed you!!!"

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