Tuesday, June 21, 2011

When YOU Change... YOU throw everything off!!!

Jesus was the original, The Christ, the Son of God and Man...

The rest of us are knockoffs, trying to pass ourselves off as the real thing.  That's what got Moses in trouble... failing to sanctify God before the people.  (Numbers 20:12)

Even today we are failing to sanctify God before the people.  We aren't teaching the gospel of God instead we're trying to perfect a forgery.

Instead of being secure with your worth and resting in who you are; you're hard at work trying to become a Master Counterfeiter, not knowing that your value is what it is, and it's necessary to remain what it is, to give you the correct total needed to make your life whole.

When YOU change your TRUE value, by trying to become something, or someone, you're not, you'll always come up short; thereby, throwing everything off!!!

Be you; Jesus has paid the price already.  Don't try to be him, because you will never be able to afford it!

"God has Blessed you!!!"

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