Thursday, August 4, 2011

"I'm Light..."

At approximately 9:54pm on 7/13/11 I made the following statement... "God, I want to know what you are."  The response I received is mind blowing...

I was told, by God, that "I am light..."

I continued to receive the message and it goes like this...

Why do you think the scriptures read in the beginning, I did all that stuff, and made it clear that there was to be light.  I created this earth and people for me to inhabit.  I needed a form for me to walk in.  I wanted to experience something new, so this is what I created.  I was tired of the other forms I inhabited so I created this.  This is much different from the previous worlds I made.

When I made everything for me to enjoy, I needed a form for me to enjoy it in; so I made something which I called  man... Human... A hue of me... A hue of manna...  That's why I sent manna to the children of Israel to eat.  That's why they didn't know what it was, because it was me that I sent.

I am the bread of life, but I'm also the light energy that makes the bread move.  Do you see why they called it unleavened bread?  Because that bread didn't have my energy in it, it was pure bread, nothing added to it.  That's why unleavened bread was to be offered because it was in its natural state.

Now back to the light and the creation man.

When I created man, there was nothing to him move so that's why I had to breathe light into him.  I breathed me, energy, light into man; and he became energized.  I am the energy that gives man the ability to do what man does.

It's a mystery to most people as to why they need light to see, but it's no mystery any longer.  I am the only way that the particles before you can vibrate, and when I'm not there everything becomes dormant, or dark; but once you add light into your life you can see.  (Or should I say once you add "God" into your life, you can see.)

People are still, right now, looking for the "God Particle" not realizing that they'll never be able to separate a particle of light, because when they break a particle of light they have to use so much force that the collision simply causes more light.  Blinding the actual impact of what was collided together.

They should stop trying to find the single particle and accept the fact that I can never be created, recreated, or destroyed.

It's  been taught that we should never hide our light.  Well the basis behind that elementary way of thinking has foundation, but the reason we should not hide our light is because the light is who we are.  Therefore, if you hide who you are, you have now become nothing.

It's not so that you can draw other people to you, instead it's because you'll loose the power to extend you in other areas.

This little light of mine.  It's little because you have only a little bit, but the more light you obtain the more illuminated you become.  Your level of illumination is a direct result of your ability to increase your energy.  The more energy you have the more light you have.  The more light you have, the more illuminated you appear.

Furthermore, the question is asked... "What makes you so certain that God is covering us all???"  Because, there is not a place that light doesn't reach.

The only way light doesn't reach an area of this world is because man has built physical obstructions.

Those obstructions are also in place when it comes to a thing man created called religion.

Much like city buildings obstruct the light, so too does religion obstruct the light.  When too much light is being obstructed man has been known to tear certain structures down to all for optimal light on a particular area.

There are people sent with an abundance of light to tear down the structure of religion; to allow, once again, the light to shine freely upon everybody it inhabits.

People may say this group or that group is out of the light of "God"  but once they look around and see different hues of light, they will understand that there are different hue mans.

Just because a light appears red, doesn't stop it from being recognized as light.  So the same principle applies here; just because a person appears in a different hue from its neighbor doesn't change the fact that it's a person, or man, as there are many hues of light there are many hues of man, or many humans.  All are man nevertheless.

Tear down the obstructions and let the light illuminate the world.

The reason the adversary prefers the absence of light; is because it feels, that represents the absence of God.  Ever since the creation of man they've had the ability to produce light to illuminate darkness.  In the confusion of man, in the beginning, a remedy had to be given, a piece of God had been corrupted, He believed the piece was small enough to be overcome if He'd simply apply a little more energy to another man.  However, because the corrupted light, even in it's tiny amount, was still so strong and energized it maintained pace with the more powerful man that was created.

There's a point in history where light realized that it needed time to let the light of darkness burn itself out, by not having anything to contend with.  For every action, there's an opposite equal reaction.  The more God fought itself, the more itself strengthened; so for three hours in time, in recorded history, energy, the opposite equal reaction, was removed.  Thereby giving darkness the ability to run its course, and burn itself out.

Then once the negative energy was burnt out, light once again illuminated the entire earth; leaving total darkness with no more energy to contend with light...

"I'm Light..."

As humans are only able to enjoy light in a small sense, even though there is much more to light, so too is there much more to me.  To see more of me and experience all of me it takes illumination, with the purest of intentions.  The more you experience the more you'll discover...

"I'm Light..."


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