Friday, May 6, 2011

Spare the rod; Spoil the child...

First and foremost, the next time you hear someone say... "The bible says; 'Spare the rod, spoil the child...'"  Look them straight in the face and tell them...

What the bible does say about this topic is found in Proverbs 13:24 - "He that spareth his rod hateh his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes." (Betimes - adv. - In good season or time; before it is late; seasonably; early.)

Last night I had to have a 'sit down talk' with three (3) of my five (5) children that are getting older, and beginning to push the limits on what they can, and cannot, do.

I let them know that they are all deserving, at times, of the type of whippings I received as a child but I simply don't like hitting them, nor do I want to.

Shortly after that conversation, I began to reflect on how many children are subjected to various forms of whippings every day based off of that deeply embedded passage of 'mis-scripture...'  I'm sure there are a lot of them that would fall into the category of 'Daily Whippings'.

As I was thinking, after our conversation, the following thought came to mind...  This is specifically for the adults that use this passage of 'mis-scripture' to justify their actions.

When do you, parents, stop being your mother's child?

Never, right?

If you'll admit that you will always be your mother's child, then I ask you; when would you allow your mother to come to your house and whip you with a rod, or a more popular 'instrument of correction', a leather belt?

You wouldn't... Right!  Especially now that you have children of your own.

"Hell naw, it ain't going down like that...", you say...

Well, I have another question.  If you are your mother's child and you wouldn't allow her to hit you repeatedly with a belt, simply because you've done something she's disagreed with; isn't that going against the biblical scripture that you use to justify you continuously hitting your child?

Isn't that what you live by?

You've confirmed that you, indeed, are still your mother's child and any problem she has with you, can be appropriately addressed by her simply talking to you.  "That is sufficient...", you say.  Then why can't that same approach work for your child?

Oh... Because they're young in age...  I'm sorry, I forgot!

Well, to your mother you're just as young, to her; as your children are to you.

Stop hitting them babies... 'You're spoiling them rotten...'

"God has blessed you!"

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you posted the scripture in its true form.

    Passage Proverbs 19:18:

    18Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying.
    Even this does not mean constant spankings because your scoldings can certainly bring on tears but you cannot stop teaching because tears start to fall. It sure didn't take much for me to cry when being chastened for anything.
