Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"She really didn't know me either, did she?"

Were Adam & Eve:


- No.


- No.


- No.


- No.

Buddhist, maybe???
- No, No, No, and No....

They weren't?!?!?!

- No...

Well which religion was condemned to death because of what they did?

- All of them.

All of them?!?!?!  Well I'm glad I'm a Christian; because they're the ones Jesus came for... right?

- No.

No!!!!  Well who in 'the Hell' did he come for then?

- All of them.

All of them?!?!?!  Um, excuse me can I have your full name and identification code.  I'm reporting you to the staff for 'false teachings.'

- No problem.  Let me know when you're ready...

I'm ready.

- Ok.  It's G-O-D; and my code is simply, "The Father"...

Thank you, I'm gonna get to the bottom of this, once and for all!!!  (As she storms out of the room, slamming the door behind her.)

- God then looks at the rest of the room and says...

"She really didn't know me either, did she?  I even gave her my full name.  What's going on in the world today?  What are they teaching them?  They spend years, and years, in Sunday School and Small Groups 'learning about me...'; but when they actually get to my class, they don't recognize who's talking to them.  It can't continue this way; something must be done!  We're dismissing early today; it's time to shake some things up out there!"

- Would you be able to recognize the Lord God; or are you still looking to a god of your specific religion?

"God has blessed you!"

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