Friday, May 13, 2011

"Fear of Common Sense" + "Common Ignorance" = "Common Hate."

"Fear of Common Sense" married "Common Ignorance," 
and produced "Common Hate."

In the midst of the bank panic of 1933, Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to the office of President of the United States of America.  His inauguration speech, which was given on March 4, 1933, included the, now famous, line "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself."
That statement may have been intended, at the time, to ease the common fear of a total banking system collapse in the United States. However, within it, lies a much deeper revelation. "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself;" should be applied to every facet of our existence. Should we allow "Common Ignorance" and "Fear of Common Sense," to be married, we risk being well on our way, to becoming the god-Parents of "Common Hate."

"Common Hate" has become a citizen, and an amnestied immigrant, of every nation under heaven, and if we ever want to prevent "Common Hate" from being born in, and immigrating into, our Nation; we are skipping a critical step in the process of denying "Common Hate" citizenship: the denial of the aforementioned marriage.

Instead of rallying to deny the right for same-sex couples to marry, we should be more concerned with the daily unions granted between "Fear of Common Sense" and "Common Ignorance " because the offspring of that union is much more dangerous. By failing to identify "Common Ignorance" early in her development, we pave the road for her marriage with "Fear of Common Sense". Once "Common Ignorance" is educated, she will become informed of the catastrophic harm that is inevitable when she produces "Common Hate" through their union.

Currently, "Universal Love" is trying to educate "Common Ignorance" in hopes that she will no longer be interested in gaining power and approval from "Fear of Common Sense" which will forever and always eliminate new "Common Hate!"

All "Universal Love" has to do, to educate "Common Ignorance" is; ask questions, understand her method of thinking, offer alternative companions and implore her to overcome the desire to seek out "Fear of Common Sense."  It will work.




"Universal Love," has just released an urgent plea for someone to be a full time mentor to "Common Ignorance," anyone, and everyone, who is not a seed, or ancestor, of "Fear of Common Sense" please identify yourself immediately.  "Common Ignorance" has identified other relatives that are in need of full time mentors, and educators, as well; so do not think that you are not needed.  We need as many mentors, and educators, as possible.

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