Friday, May 20, 2011

'It' is not as bad as 'It' seems...

"'It' is not as bad as 'It' seems...'It' comes with the Territory..."

What a familiar, and quick passage, used to comfort the discouragement of someone going through a difficult situation in their life.
We are quick to tell that person "'It' is not as bad as 'It' seems... You know 'It' comes with the territory."  Well I'm here today to give you a reason for the validity of that statement and also tell you that "'It' is what 'It' is... Deal with 'It'."

So let's focus on the "territory" portion of that statement for a moment.

You've just realized that the East Coast of the United States of the Americas was becoming a little too crowded for your liking; you have decided to act on a news article you read while having a shot of whiskey, at the town saloon. 

That article said, "Speculators find promising futures, in undeveloped land west of the Mississippi River." 

Reading the article, you heard your challenge in the following sentence.  "To be successful west of the Mississippi; there will have to be a great sense of strength and courage.  There's gold, silver, iron, copper and other unspoiled resources waiting to be mined and collected."

You thought, "WOW!  Why am I still sitting here in this dusty saloon when I should be home packing up preparing to head west.  I must beat the others..."

Just as you were dropping the paper, after reading only half the article, the paper landed in a manner that exposed a sentence that has been the root cause for so few explorers entering into the uncharted territory.  The sentence went something like this... "With the discovery of the abundance of natural resources available west of the Mississippi; there was also made another, unsuspecting, and potentially dangerous discovery.  In the fields of the earth in the west, every prospector has told stories of countless rattlesnakes and other never-before seen deadly creatures.  Not to mention the uncivilized dark skinned people from India."

You immediately shoved your paper away, in utter disgust and disappointment.  Resting your head on your hand, took another shot of whiskey and in doing so, noticed a dusty bible by the cash register.  

You hollered out... "Hey pass me that bible..."  With a look of bewilderment the tender asked if you'd repeat yourself..."  You said with much contempt... "You heard me...  Pass me that there bible."

Picking the bible up and blowing off the dust, the bartender hands over the bible.

Sitting it on the table, you recall a scripture, or two, that you've once read.  (Excited to be able to recall their location; you stand up and begin reading aloud...)

"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.  Luke 10:19"

Then you fumbled your way to another verse... Turning to wards the other patrons; you took another shot, cleared your throat, and pronounced upon their ears...

"And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me!  And God granted him that which he requested.  1 Chronicles 4:10."

Exhausted and out of breath you fell down into your seat and exhaled greatly, marveling at the opportunity that awaited you...  

The bartender asked, "What's with all the spirit talk?" 

Looking confoundedly upon his countenance you then collect your belongings and begin to hand him his bible.  Upon the exchange; he hollered, "Thank you for return'n it.  I see you read the article about the wild west.  I have a couple more for you...  Got a minute?"  "Sure," you reply.

"For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the Lord; thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.  Jeremiah 29:11"

"The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein... Psalm 24:1"

"Two more, and I'm through," the tender quipped.  "The first is a bit long; hold on stay with me."

"Thus saith the Lord God; In the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your iniquities I will also cause you to dwell in the cities... Ezekiel 36:33-38 read the rest when you get time..."

"Finally; Acts 2:1-47 take those for the road..." he says to you.

You reply by letting him know that you can't remember all those scriptures.  He then looked you in the eye and said... "Don't worry about 'That', because, 'It', is not as bad as 'It' seems, and plus... 'It' comes with the territory."  

As he shoves 'It' back into the palm of your outstretched, withered, hand.  "Take 'care', you're gonna need a great amount on your journey.  When you get there, realize what 'It' is.  Identify 'It', and you'll see that 'It' isn't as bad as 'It' has been thought to be.  Then you'll realize that you must take 'It' everywhere you go because 'It' comes with the territory, and teaches you how to conquer your wilderness experience.  'It' has what you need to achieve a firm foundation, wherever you find yourself.  Near or far.  'It' will remain in you for ever.  Showing that 'It' was feared for no just cause!"

So, remember; 'It' is not as bad as 'It' seems... and 'It' comes with the 'Territory'...

"God has Blessed you!!!"  -R3V.Jt

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