Friday, May 27, 2011

The Rejected Stone

- "I've been looking for this Stone for years... Why did you keep rejecting it???"

           - "It was too hard to fit into my plans..."

 - "That's what I thought at first sight too, but after consulting with the Master Builder... He gave me a detailed list of things to do, in order, to perfectly incorporate it..."

Friday, May 20, 2011

Get Rid of That 'Stuff'!!! (GOGIC edit per mom!)

How do encourage yourself when you come to realize that you are the 'stand in target' for someone else's anger. Meaning that it really wasn't ever about you; but due to the close proximity of your location you had to inherit all their 'stuff'!!! 

'It' is not as bad as 'It' seems...

"'It' is not as bad as 'It' seems...'It' comes with the Territory..."

What a familiar, and quick passage, used to comfort the discouragement of someone going through a difficult situation in their life.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Get Rid of That Shit!!!

How do encourage yourself when you come to realize that you are the 'stand in target' for someone else's anger. Meaning that it really wasn't ever about you; but due to the close proximity of your location you had to inherit all their shit!!! 

Friday, May 13, 2011

"Fear of Common Sense" + "Common Ignorance" = "Common Hate."

"Fear of Common Sense" married "Common Ignorance," 
and produced "Common Hate."

In the midst of the bank panic of 1933, Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to the office of President of the United States of America.  His inauguration speech, which was given on March 4, 1933, included the, now famous, line "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself."

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"She really didn't know me either, did she?"

Were Adam & Eve:


- No.


- No.


- No.


- No.

Buddhist, maybe???
- No, No, No, and No....

Saturday, May 7, 2011

"Less Than Whole" by Big Kenny (Scriptural Comparison by R3V.Jt)

My friend, Big Kenny, recently uploaded this song; and after the first time listening to it, I couldn't help but see the relationship between this song and the entire body of work that I am currently putting together dealing with love, forgiveness, and being totally reconciled back to God through what Jesus Christ did on the cross.

After all; one of the last things Jesus said, while having his clothes ripped apart, was "Father forgive them; for they know not what they do." Luke 23:34.  

Friday, May 6, 2011

Spare the rod; Spoil the child...

First and foremost, the next time you hear someone say... "The bible says; 'Spare the rod, spoil the child...'"  Look them straight in the face and tell them...

What the bible does say about this topic is found in Proverbs 13:24 - "He that spareth his rod hateh his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes." (Betimes - adv. - In good season or time; before it is late; seasonably; early.)

The Bullfrog and the Fly...

A fly finally reached his home after flying across the country from a business meeting.

When he arrived at his house he was overwhelmed by what he saw in his driveway...

A Giant Bullfrog!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Slow and Steady wins the race...

Ecclesiastes 9:11

There's an event being held with various stages and two of those stages consists of a race, and a hand to hand battle...

The "swift man" that's running the race has full knowledge of his speed, and will begin pushing and shoving the slower contestants out of his way.  Midway through the race the swift man was seen going out of bounds to advance his position in the race, which is an infraction of the rules.  Once he finished the various stages and crossed the finish line, as the unofficial winner, his list of infractions were read and it was determined that he'd been disqualified.

Conversation Between God and Jesus

God to Jesus - Hey these humans are so crazy I feel like just wiping them off the earth.

Jesus to God - What can they do to redeem themselves?

God - Nothing, they are too far gone... I'll just let them all die and go to hell...

Jesus - There must be something I can do.  Just tell me.