Sunday, January 29, 2012

Just Announced!!!

Ephesians 1:19-23

Just announced... He's coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle!!!

Why do you remain in the pew, didn't you hear what he just said?  If he's coming back for a church without a spot or wrinkle, you have to get out of here...

I'm going to the church around the corner.

I'll go with you!

There's nobody in there...

(Sign on the door reads... "Gone to church around the corner.")

Do you know that church? 

Yeah, I think it's the sanctified church...  The one with the drums and stuff. 

Oh yeah... I know it.

Ok, let's go... Hurry!

There's nobody here either...

(Sign on the door reads, "Gone to the church downtown.")

Do you know what they're talking about?

No... Wait... There's an address.  Let me type it into my GPS.... 15 minutes away... Let's hurry!!!

Here... It's right around...

Why are they all coming towards us?

I don't know, stop let me ask them... Roll down the window... Let me ask...

Say...  where's everyone going?

"Didn't you hear the Announcement?"


Ok then, we're leaving... hurry over to the church at 5175 Brooks Ave...

Wait... THAT'S WHERE WE GO!!!  We already left because everybody wanted to be safe, by getting to another church.  Then when we got to that church, there was nobody there because they said they were meeting over here...

Well... They came, and when they did, we became spotted too...  That's why we are going to the other place now!!!

Well, no need.  What do we do now?


The announcer comes back on the air...

"Sorry I misread the announcement...  It says... He CAME BACK for THE Church, without a spot or wrinkle... And, I'm getting this now from my Producer... The Church was His Son's.

It also reads, that we can relax; we are ALL members of that Church collectively...  Sorry."

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